How do I view multiple load suggestions for one email?
Use the left and right arrows in the carousel to view the different suggestions. Then click on a specific card to apply it to the Load Building form, make edits as desired, then submit as before.
How do I search for a load that’s not in an email?
You can search for a load using a McLeod ID or a Customer Ref # / PO #. If you search for any of them if the top sidebar next to “ID #” they’ll appear.
What are current guardrails for Drumkit’s Load Building AI?
Drumkit’s AI will parse and generate suggestions for single-page PDFs and inline email text; it does not yet support multi-page PDFs or inline images. Please let us know if these or other cases (such as Excel documents) are a priority for you
What is required for me to submit a load?
Outside of the basic attributes associated with a load, per Mcleod’s specifications, loads require a pickup address and ID. The ID is optional for dropoffs.
What is the difference between the quoting and load building views?
Those are the two views you have for Drumkit. If an existing load is detected, Drumkit defaults to Load View. Otherwise, if it’s identified as a load building email, defaults to Load Building form where they can view suggestion and make edits. Finally quote view is available if the email is detected as requiring a quote. Both are available right below where you select Drumkit.
Can I make edits to existing loads?
Yes you can! You can edit a load and hit “Save” towards the bottom of your screen. That’ll update the load to your TMS.